Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dear Me, I'm sorry...

I know you need some down time, Me. I know you're tired and stressed and really just want to golf and read the stack of comic books you bought two weeks ago but haven't touched. I know, Me. You don't have to tell me.

Here's the thing. We're gonna have a busy couple of weeks, you and me. Directing a webseries, writing another short film, finishing a couple of songs, and cutting a reel for our wife. Tell you what: I'll handle those.

Me, you need to concentrate on preparing a pitch for that rewrite job, attacking the Western notes when they come in, and landing that other writing assignment. You know the one.

Between us, we'll carve out a few hours to have a social life before we leave for Europe. Gotta say goodbye to our friends in appropriate, don't forget us, ways.

We've got a good thing going, Me. We're working with some very talented people on solid projects. This is going to set us up well for our return this fall. You just have to trust me, Me. Together, we can do this.

Me... err...

PS: You're handsome.

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